Behind every concert there is a hidden stream of events all concurring to the perfection of a single moment. From daily rehearsals by the orchestra’s musicians to the continuous support of staff, everyone assuring that all is ready. In one shot sequence we go through the backstage of Gulbenkian Orchestra to the beginning of a live performance: Brahms Sinfonie n3 conducted by Lorenzo Viotti.
Headphones is a plus!
Gold award for best directing CCP 2019
Gold award for best sound design CCP 2019
Directed by Edgar Ferreira
Director of Photography Nuno Francisco da Silva
Production Company Galope Films
Production Director João Biscaia
Production Assistante Steven Gillon
Gulbenkian Production coordinator André Vieira
Gimbal Operador Tiago Faria, Rodrigo Delgado
Image Assistance Mafalda Fresco, Manuel Braga
Drone/Cablecam Operator Gil Bento, Pedro Rato,
Camera Control Miguel Malheiros
Chief Lighting Technician Mario Soares
Lighting Technician João Silva, Bruno Oliveira, Victor Ferreira
Production sound mixer Tiago Jónatas
Second assistant sound João Dionísio, Pedro Antunes
Handyman Leonel Picareta
Sound Design Miguel Guia (Som de Lisboa)
Pos-production Galope Films
Cast by order of appearance
Lorenzo Viotti (Principal Conductor of the Gulbenkian Orchestra)
Marta Andrade (Orchestra and Choir Production)
António Lopes Gonçalves (Orchestra and Choir Coordinator)
Martin Henneken (Cello)
Domingos Ribeiro (Double bass)
Kenneth Best (French horn)
Eric Murphy (French horn)
Rui Fernandes (Trombone)
Maja Plüddemann (Double bass)
Pedro Vares de Azevedo (Double bass)
Alfredo Figueiredo (Stage Hand)
José Manuel da Silva (Stage Hand)
Filipa Pinheiro (Stage Hand)
Jorge Gonçalves (Stage Hand)
Maria Balbi (Violin)
Alice Caplow-Sparks (Oboe/English horn)
Maria José Laginha (Violin)
Ana Filipa Lima (Flute)
Vítor Pereira (Stage Hand)
Amália Tortajada (Flute)
Jorge Freire (Stage director)
Ricardo Santana (Stage Hand)
Varoujan Bartikian (Cello)
Vera Dias (Bassoon)
Nelson Alves (Oboe)
Rui Sul Gomes (Timpani)
Manuel Moreira (Education Sector – Trainee)
Althieris Leal (Stage Hand)
Ricardo Rosa (Stage Hand)
Ricardo Ramos (Bassoon)
Adriana Picareta (Audiovisuals)
Manuel Patrão (Piano tuner)
Abel Cardoso (Percussion)
Risto Nieminen (Director of Gulbenkian Música)
José Pinto (Deputy Director of Gulbenkian Música)
Clara Vilar (Marketing and Digital Transformation)
Bruno Sequeira (Production)
Martim Cunha Rego (Usher)
Julieta Rousseau (Usher)
Orquestra Gulbenkian
Huge thank you to the audience present during the concert.